速報APP / 藝術與設計 / 3D Designer - 3D Modeling

3D Designer - 3D Modeling





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:Rémi Soleil 10 rue de la tourelle 62217 Tilloy-les-Mofflaines France

3D Designer - 3D Modeling(圖1)-速報App

3D Designer is the free and easy application to get started in 3D modeling.

Join us and you will quickly learn how to create models by combining simple shapes!

3D Designer is made for everyone, both kids and adults. The user interface is much easier and faster to understand than other modeling apps, so you will learn faster and get really good results.

3D Designer - 3D Modeling(圖2)-速報App

Each tool plays a different sound making the experience more immersive and engaging!

Short animations explain each tool. Look at them and do the same!

Download it now and start creating a model of your favorite animal, or a house or use your creativity to create whatever you want! The easiest way to start is to make a tree. You only need two shapes: a cylinder for the trunk and one or more cones for the branches!

3D Designer - 3D Modeling(圖3)-速報App

On Instagram, you can see examples of 3D models, characters, animals, vehicles and other creations made with 3D Designer:


Come everyday to 3D Designer to collect free 3D models. This will give you more ideas on how to combine shapes. You can color or modify the models as you want. No problem, you can always reopen the original version.

3D Designer - 3D Modeling(圖4)-速報App

Every time you start a new creation, it will suggest simple and fun ideas to help you get started. Gradually there will be more advanced challenges.

You can also try the challenge of the day in this 3D modeler. It's a new challenge every day that is the same for everyone.

If you want, you can share photos of your models on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp and other social media.

3D Designer - 3D Modeling(圖5)-速報App

- The user interface takes up little space on the screen, so you have the majority of the screen for your model. You can orient the screen vertically (portrait) or horizontally (landscape).

- You can define an image in the corner to reproduce to guide you and to facilitate the creation of beautiful designs. Use your pictures or get pictures from the internet.

- There are many different basic shapes such as cubes, pyramids, spheres and more. You can convert directly from one shape to another.

3D Designer - 3D Modeling(圖6)-速報App

- Change the background to any color or use an image. You can also embed your 3D model in the real world using the front or rear camera of your phone or tablet as a background.

- In addition, by connecting your elements in the form of a tree structure you can go faster to modify a whole group of elements. For example, when you assemble a character, you can attach the head to the torso and the eyes, nose and mouth to the head. In this way, the sub-elements (eyes, mouth, etc.) move / rotate correctly at the same time every time you move or turn your head or body.

- You can select and modify several elements at the same time to go faster.

3D Designer - 3D Modeling(圖7)-速報App

- Finally, you can change the orientation of the lighting, using one or more lamps, and orient them differently to turn the shadows, especially before posting a photo on social networks. Then you will get much better results!

3D Designer is constantly being improved and new features will be available soon, so keep it up to date and enjoy 3D modeling!

3D Designer - 3D Modeling(圖8)-速報App